Joined in: 26/04/2011
Brief About:
I am Thuraya Abdullah Al Breiki. I am studying in SQU in my fifth year and I postponed my study for one year because I join a Global eXchange program which holds for 6 months between Oman and UK and we did lots of work with non-profit organizations in both countries. Another thing that, I had good skills in designing using Photoshop and Pinnacle which is a kind of movie maker. I am able to build relationships and work with a team or independently with strong planning and organizing skills. I could do multitasks and make good decisions to solve problems which I got it from my major as computer science.
I joined lots of activities in SQU, I was vice president of public relation committee in computer science group and theater and exhibition in the science festival in college of science. Also I was one of the organizers of some activities in the information technology society and the extreme programmer contest in computer science department. And now I am searching for more opportunities that could help me to improve my skills and personal values toward my community. So, I will use OCERT as my bridge to cross the countries and make more friends and to spread more about Oman cultural and e.oman which is the most thing that we need to speared it to over all Oman and the world. Furthermore, to bri ng the world to a common place which should be attractive for them and renewed all the time.