OCERT Ambassador Program
What is expected from OCERT Ambassadors

The expectations from each Ambassadors group are different based on the level of knowledge in Information Security although all Ambassadors are welcome to participate in any role he/she feel they can add value in.


Ambassadors Expectations based on Groups
Expectations Ambassadors Acadamic Ambassadors Professional Ambassadors
Participate in awareness events Yes Yes
Participate in Train the Trainer Programs Yes Yes
Spread out OCERT’s security awareness messages Yes Yes Yes
Direct people to OCERT’s web site and how to report security incidents Yes Yes Yes
Direct people to the OCERT Learning Management System Yes Yes Yes
Hold specific events to OCERT Ambassadors Yes
Provide suggestions and new ideas to OCERT Yes Yes Yes
Attend OCERT Ambassadors meetings and gathering Yes Yes
Serve as focal point to OCERT R&D events Yes
Participate in OCERT eBook Yes Yes
Review Academic Whitepapers Yes