OCERT Ambassador Program
Benefits of Joining OCERT Ambassadors

When these benefits were identified we have taken into consideration the effort and time which will be contributed to this project from each Ambassador group.


Ambassadors Benefits based on Groups
Benefits Ambassadors Acadamic Ambassadors Professional Ambassadors
Added to OCERT Ambassadors list in the Website Yes Yes Yes
Receive OCERT awareness material Yes Yes
Receive OCERT mailing items Yes Yes Yes
Access to OCERT Learning Management System Yes Yes Yes
Participate in OCERT eBook and Newsletters Yes Yes
Ambassador ID Tag during events Yes Yes
Effort recognition letter signed by OCERT Director Yes Yes
Receive OCERT Giveaways Yes Yes Yes
Attend Train the Trainer programs Yes
Coordinate with OCERT regarding site visits Yes
Free Attendance to some of OCERT training and workshops Yes Yes
Have access to closed group communication channels Yes Yes

Closed Group Communication Channels:

These channels will be used mainly to discuss different topics and to create a common-ground for OCERT Ambassadors to share and discuss their ideas, projects, or any other Information security related materials and these channels include:

  • Online Forum
  • Scheduled Chatting Sessions