OCERT Ambassador Program
OCERT Ambassadors Profile
Ismail Almamari

Ismail Almamari


No Rank

Joined in: 03/09/2018

Brief About:

I am currently working in the Directorate of Social Development in the governorates of South and North Sharqyia in the post of Head of Associations and Community Clubs. I also have a good knowledge of new technologies, especially the field of smart phones, accessories, applications and cameras. I have good photography skills, official media coverage and video editing. I participated in a number of courses, including a workshop on social media, a photography workshop, a workshop on video editing, and I attended one of the seminars offered by the information security ambassadors in South Sharqyia. I also want to increase my information about the safety of informatics because we use the techniques in all areas of our lives, and it is necessary to educate the community on how to use these techniques the right way. And I would like to join the program of the ambassadors of information safety because of my desire to be a representative of the Sultanate in this area after I take the appropriate rehabilitation and look at the new.