OCERT Ambassador Program
OCERT Ambassadors Profile
Mohamed Ali Al Fairuz

Mohamed Ali Al Fairuz

Acadamic Ambassador

Rank 2

Joined in: 25/02/2018

Brief About:

Dr. Mohamed Al Faiurz received his MSc degree in Information Technology (Web Applications) from Queensland University of Technology, Australia in 2003. He was awarded Ph.D. degree in Computing Science in 2011, from University of Glasgow, UK. He is currently an assistant professor in the college of Economics and Political Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Dr. Mohamed Al Fairuz research spans technical and policy issues of web applications development, including security, usability, scalability, maintainability, and acceptability. Currently, he is interested in enabling multi-channel authentication mechanisms on web-applications. The main area of focus is online banking but the same methods and tools are often applied to other web-applications as well. He is also currently participating in developing web applications for SQU that automate the processes running on the admin, academic, and students side. Prior to joining Sultan Qaboos University, Al Fairuz worked at the Y2K task force and the High Committee for National Day.

Dr. Mohamed applied to the OCERT Academic Ambassadors to participate in the community awareness programs and attend the gatherings and workshops related to the security field.