OCERT Ambassador Program
OCERT Ambassadors Profile
Mohammed Adel Saad

Mohammed Adel Saad

Professional Ambassador

No Rank

Joined in: 25/01/2017

Brief About:

My name is Mohamed Adel El Sayed Saad - Egyptian Nationality. My Studies in the field of industrial Control Engineering and Industrial Electronics. Obtained a bachelor's degree in 2006 and a research based master's degree in the same specialization 2011 I am holding almost 12 years of experience in control systems automation and Industrial Cybersecurity of various critical infrastructure (petrochemicals - oil and gas - electricity and energy - water and desalination). My Current role is Industrial CyberSecurity Development Manager in Honeywell Middle East, managing the business in Oman, Qatar and Kuwait I want to join the program because believe in the importance of the subject and I believe that I will bring a value to the team using my Honeywell experience in the field of applying cybersecurity in critical industries as well as experience in control systems. You will also be able to communicate with one of the most powerful companies in the field of industrial cybersecurity (expertise, technology and laboratories)