OCERT Ambassador Program
OCERT Ambassadors Profile
Khalid Said Suleiman AlTobi

Khalid Said Suleiman AlTobi

Acadamic Ambassador

Rank 2

Joined in: 17/05/2014

Brief About:

Khalid Said Suleiman Nasser Al.Tobi , 23 years. I am from Nizwa. I studied IT Network. I will graduate in 2014. I am self-motivated with leadership and communication skills. I like reading and learning about everything.

Reasons to join OCERT Ambassadors Program:
- To have more knowledge in Networks and in information technology.
- To help spreading the concept of everything related to network and information security around Oman.
- To attend courses.
- To share what I learn with others.
- To have experience and more knowledge in my major.
- To spend my time in things related to my major.
- To learn deeply about information technology.