OCERT Ambassador Program
OCERT Ambassadors Profile
Abdullah Al-Khusaibi

Abdullah Al-Khusaibi

Professional Ambassador

Rank 2

Joined in: 08/04/2014

Brief About:

Abdullah Khamis Mohammed Al Khusaibi. I’m working in Royal Court Affairs as Administrative. I’m now study in gulf College, specialization Information System and I will end study Diploma in this semester, and I’m continue to get Bachelor.

I like information technology so much, and I’m try to learn and find the new in technology especially in Information Security. On the other hand, I have some reasons to join in Academic Ambassador:

- To increase my Knowledge in information technology.
- Every day the technology is evolve in fast way, so we should be take care about pros and cons of it, also as we are as Citizen or employees as the following:

a- Citizen: The smart phones becomes as part in our life, so we should be get knowledge about it.
b- Employees: The PC's computer in work environment include secret topics, which that pc connected with internet.

So from above and for that reasons, I hope to increase my Knowledge and sharing it with around the community and in my job, to avoid Spyware from the people inside and outside my country.