OCERT Ambassador Program
OCERT Ambassadors Profile
Abdellah BouTahar

Abdellah BouTahar

Acadamic Ambassador

Rank 2

Joined in: 11/10/2012

Brief About:

I am Abdellah BouTahar from Morocco. I am technician specializing in data system and information technology. I have CISCO CCNA certificates which are CCNA1, CCNA2 and CCNA3. I am good in some programming languages e.g. C,Html, PHP and CSS. I am using Access and SQL server for database.

Moreover, I am using DreamWeaver and MS Publisher as a development tools. I am excellent in networking field. I have experience in IT maintenance like: creating and developing blogs and websites by using (Blooger, Wordpress, Joomla). Also I am using SEO (Google webmaster & Bing Webmaster).

I join OCERT Ambassadors Program because I am very interest in IT and security fields. In addition, I want to spread my knowledge and get benefit from others experience.